Herbal teas are derived from a variety of dried flowers, spices, herbs and fruits. This has led to a huge variety of flavors and options when it comes to choosing teas for taste and health benefits. You'll find herbal teas from all over the globe including China, Africa, and the Americas. It's no secret that tea is a popular selection for individuals who want to improve their health naturally. Unlike coffee and standard teas, most herbal teas are caffeine-free. They also feature nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that vary depending on the herbal blend.

Typical health benefits from drinking herbal tea include relaxation, pain reduction and the improvement of body systems such as digestive and immune. Some research also shows anticancer effects and benefits for people with type 2 diabetes.

USDA Organic Certification
The Orisha Tea House is passionate about offering the best products possible to our customers. In order to do this, we have invested our time and resources in becoming a USDA Organic certified facility. Being USDA certified means Orisha Tea House has gone through rigorous tests and inspections to make sure we match up to strict regulations.
In addition, our facility goes through annual and random inspections to continually prove we are up to USDA standards. The USDA and OTCO labels on our organic products set us apart from other tea vendors, giving our customers the confidence that they are receiving the best tea possible.
Non GMOs (or “genetically modified organisms”) are organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering. USDA regulations require that certified companies do not use GMOs. We guarantee our organic tea will never use GMOs. As a customer you can have peace of mind knowing the tea you drink and share with friends is safe and healthy.
Gluten Free
All tea from Orisha Tea House is gluten free. Gluten is found in most grains and often excluded from diets for health reasons or allergies. Tea comes from the plant Camellia Sinensis and does not contain any grains. This makes it a healthy option for those with a gluten-free diet.
Vegan Verified.
The Orisha Tea House is also Vegan Verified. This means, we offer teas guaranteed to not contain any animal products. Vegan products help create a healthier environment because they are less harmful to produce than non-vegan products. Orisha Tea House is always mindful of the environment in all business practices, products, and procedures.
Nurture from within...
We are in existence for the share passion of sharing knowledge on, holistic wellness and more.This information is purely intended for and exclusively for educational purposes and should not be construed .. We are hoping to build a family with our customers for a life time...Thanking you in advance for patronage.

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What is loose leaf Tea? In a very general definition, loose leaf tea is tea that does not come prepackaged in tea bags. Because the leaves are not crammed into a tea bag, the tea maintains a higher quality and aroma while offering the best possible health benefits. The drinker places the tea leaves inside of a steeping ball, infuser basket, french press, tea strainer, or some other infuser to prepare the tea.

What is the difference between loose leaf tea and tea bags? Tea is categorized into four overarching categories: dust grades, fanning grades, broken leaf grades, and whole leaf grades. Whole leaf grades being the best loose leaf tea. Grades of tea can actually get pretty technical, but to save you the time, we've simplified it. The teabags you can buy at the grocery store usually contain dust and fanning grades of tea. This tea must be crushed before packaging into tea bags. Why does this matter? When your tea is broken down, its flavor, aroma, and health properties are degraded. Tea that is broken can taste bitter due to a higher amount of tannins when steeped. Whole leaf tea expands and unfurls as it steeps. This expansion produces more flavor and provides a taste of freshness to the drink.